Wednesday, May 30, 2012

He Will Provide.

Life has never been easy, but it has never been impossible. I am blessed in many ways but have had trials in some. I am happy and healthy now, but it has not always been that way. About a year ago I went through a period in my life that will stay with me, my family and my beloved friends for the rest of our earthly lives. I was told that God was testing me, and I had to keep the faith. I was told that God does not give us anything we cannot handle. I was told to pray for miracles, I did and began to rely on them. I was asking for miracles, which worked out in my favor, but I recently ran across a quote which changed my whole perspective of the experience. The quote reads "Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it." Cancer sucks to put it bluntly; I used to shudder at the sound of the word. I don't fear the word anymore or the disease, because we have a God who can breathe and leave a trail of galaxies, He's our Savior, our Defender, our Healer, He's our King. And I know He will not only shelter me from dangers, but give me the fearlessness to face them, He will still my pain and my heart, and give me peace. This I know because He's been doing it all along, just without me knowing it. 

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