Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Power of Our Thoughts.

People always tell me "it's all in your mind." To be perfectly honest it is all in our minds. Our victories and accomplishments start in the mind with our thoughts. We can think ourselves into a mess or we can think ourselves into a victory. Our thoughts become our life and future.

The way we talk to ourselves is one of the most important things in our life. We can never get beyond what we think especially what you think of ourselves. These thoughts may always be with us. However, if we will fill our mind with God's word and what He has to say about us, the old stuff will never come back. Because we find absolute truth in God's word.

The mind is the battlefield, it's where Satan attacks. Satan can get us to believe all of his lies and deceptions. What's so terrible about deception is instead of remaining a lie in our minds, it can become our reality if we let it. I've witnessed this first hand. I allowed the devil to fill my head with lies about how I wasn't good enough, that no one could ever love me, and that I was just damaged goods. These thoughts were with me for years, and I allowed it to happen. Even though those lies I allowed in to my mind are nothing like the life that God has given me, I could never get over them. Until someone finally told me recently that we have to think right before we can live right. God has a great plan for our life but if we can't believe it or let it happen, God won't be able to do it.

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